5 Top Tips To Earn Money Blogging
If you are looking to earn money with your blog, especially more of a full-time income, it helps to have a lot of different resources from which to choose to help give you a lot of options.
And as far as income, sometime we hear you can’t earn full-time income as a blogger, while at other times we hear all about the heroes slaying the dragons in the Blogger-land and you’re convinced these stories must have happened on another planet or that these heroes are just demi-gods. But I’m here to tell you it really is possible to earn lots of cool cash from your blog! Be warned though, it can take a long time to start earning cash from blogging so don’t start expecting overnight miracles. If you are in need of money quickly then you go to one of the MDP pawn shops in San Diego.
So let’s dive into some of the many options out there to help you get started!
Ad Networks
Ad networks are the link between bloggers and brands or companies seeking to advertise their products and services. They find unsold advertising space from publishers. Then, they fill that space with digital ad campaigns and sponsorships from their clients. This can be done using several different types of formats, such as text, image and/or video.
Most sponsored ads you see online, whether a sponsored post or a sidebar ad, were created by these ad networks.
Great Way To Introduce Yourself As A Blogger Or Freelancer
Remember those beautiful moments when it seems you’ll soon be adding a new friend to your list? Yes, it could even be online, not just offline. You’re both having fun getting to know each other and then suddenly you get fired that dreaded question, “So, what do you do?” And then it suddenly feels as if time has stopped. Everything becomes awkward!
Great news, there is a way out of this tight spot. Yes, a much better way than just tossing an “Uh, I run a blog” or “I’m a freelancer.” What’s more, giving a four-word or five-word response might simply earn you puzzled stares or some half-hearted “Oh, great!” A flubbed introduction may also leave your audience less interested in whatever it is you say next.
I will also cover some of the more general things to do and not do, many of which you will probably have heard before. However, a refresher certainly won’t hurt. Remember, how you say things can be as important as what you say.
But let’s first discuss in detail some strategies you can adopt to give a long-lasting response to that dreaded question, “What do you do?” Here we go…
Value Versus Title
If I tell you I’m the Chief Design Coordinator for my company, you’re likely to wonder, what exactly does she do? But if I say something like “I’m in charge of ensuring our product designs are compatible for use with our customers, while ensuring the team works productively to meet deadlines,” you’re more likely to get interested in knowing more about what I do.
9 Ways To Treat Your Blog Like A Business
Is your blog a hobby not earning its keep? Would you rather your blog make you serious money?
Recently I met someone who runs a nice blog with lots of awesome information, but she was only doing it for fun, you know, the usual blogging as a hobby. We eventually scheduled time where I showed her how to treat her blog like a business so she could make cool money from blogging.
If you’ve been thinking about this as well, and you mean serious business about blogging as a business, pay rapt attention to the following points that will enlighten you on how to treat your blog like a business. If you find yourself wanting blog and you have no idea where to start, you might want to try something like Inlinehostblogger’s guide on HostGator vs Siteground or other resources that might be helpful.
1. Make Your Blog Unique By Blogging In A Niche
That this is the first point is no coincidence! If visitors to your blog cannot easily discern your blogging focus or the particular value you intend giving them, chances are high it will be difficult selling anything to them.
7 Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Blog (and how to correct it)
You started a blog. You are trying to actually get people to read your content. However, it feels like a virtual ghost town and in some cases, you can?t even hear crickets. You think no one is reading your blog. Been there, done that. You no longer have to feel like that.
Ever heard of your ideal client but have no clue how your blog is going to actually reach them? No worries, got you covered. Want people to read your content (not just your sweet grandma) No problem, got you covered. This post is for you if you are ready to get a larger audience reading your content. Let?s dive in?