The Essential Guide to Blogging (the crazy profitable kind)
So, you want to be a blogger? As glamorous and exciting as blogging sounds today, (that is why you are reading this guide to blogging, right?!) …the activity which is now a primary source of income for several people didn’t have such a bright beginning. Its over two decades journey has been one of evolution from just keeping web entries of technical data to running profitable online businesses. Do you know that there are many types of blogs that make money? If you’re looking for an easy guide to blogging, read on. And if at the end of it all, you’re still struggling to figure out how back linking, long-tail keywords, and meta data can help you – then consider hiring a search engine optimization specialist. At the very least they can get you set up and pointing in the right direction.
9 Steps To A Knockout Niche For Your Blog
What topic or niche do you blog about? Where do…
19 Easy Ways To Promote Blog Posts
Blog owners know the thrill that comes from hitting the “publish” button. Even after years of being at it, the thrill is still there. Well, who wouldn’t be thrilled? Certainly you would be after spending sleepless nights and tons of edit in order to create a masterpiece you wish to share with your audience.
One thing that baffles me though is how blog owners spend all of their time on the content part of content marketing, and then totally forget about the marketing aspect. This involves blog promotion and post promotion, which they must fine tune to bring success to their blog. It’s not a superiority contest of whether creating content is more important than marketing. Spending equal time on both creating content and blog promotion will improve the odds of bringing your blog in front of the right people.
No one lights a candle and puts it under a bushel. So also, no one spends time creating that perfect blog post with the perfect image and/or video only to have no one read it.
In this post I’ll examine nearly 20 easy ways you can promote your blog posts to help optimize your reach.
1. Blog Comments
This is an old practice yet it helps blog promotion every time. However, commenting should not be done simply with the aim of self-promoting your blog posts. It also doesn’t bring good karma points in the end. Have you read a good blog post and would like to add one or two more points? You can use this avenue to promote your blog posts by commenting something in the direction of, “I just wrote about this topic and added two more points. Read about it here.”
Another style is commenting as an answer to a question the writer has raised. Your yardstick to measure if what you’re doing is right or wrong is to ask yourself if you’re adding any value to the ongoing conversation.
11 Proven Ways To Monetize Your Blog (and actually make money)
You woke up one morning and thought you needed to monetize your blog. Not really! The real story is that at one time you got this burning desire to reach out to others with stories of your life experiences, or to enlighten others on something you’re very knowledgeable about. In this digital age, the obvious path to follow in achieving this is to start and monetize your blog.
On the strength of that passion and enthusiasm, you got your blog set up, not on some free hosting site but on a professional self-hosted site that tells people you’ve been there, done that.
Several months down the road it begins to feel as if the stream of creativity and passion has dried up, you’re the only one putting in all the efforts, while the blog doesn’t lift a finger. What you need is some rain to get things wet and get your creativity juices flowing. Those showers can only come when you monetize your blog and make it a rainmaker!
7 Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Blog (and how to correct it)
You started a blog. You are trying to actually get people to read your content. However, it feels like a virtual ghost town and in some cases, you can?t even hear crickets. You think no one is reading your blog. Been there, done that. You no longer have to feel like that.
Ever heard of your ideal client but have no clue how your blog is going to actually reach them? No worries, got you covered. Want people to read your content (not just your sweet grandma) No problem, got you covered. This post is for you if you are ready to get a larger audience reading your content. Let?s dive in?
13 Actions You Should Do Before & After Publishing A Blog Post
Bloggers will generally agree creating a blog post that is high quality isn’t always an easy job. There are several things you need to do to achieve success in blogging. You have to create content, edit the blog posts, then market them in order to optimize them, as well as a host of other tasks. But it isn’t as hard as you may think. If you are really serious about creating posts that people and search engines will love, this was written especially for you.
I will be sharing with you 13 action steps you should take before and after hitting the publish button for all of your blog posts. There is nothing scary about them, and they are steps that don’t require much time to implement. Remember that when you write a post that requires too much reading, it will not be read.
As a bonus, I have included a printable checklist you can download that will serve as a reference resource. If you are ready – let’s roll!
Psst…want my “13 Action Blog Post Checklist”? It’s a free download you can get by clicking the button below. It’s the perfect checklist to print out and keep close by whenever you begin writing a new post.