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An urban myth has long been circulating that every successful entrepreneur has dropped out of college to pursue their revolutionary ideas. While not all strictly true, a significant portion of successful businessmen do happen to be degreeless dropouts. Don’t be fooled by just one side of the coin, though, no one tells the stories of the lesser visionary 99% that failed.
Almost everyone’s idea of ultimate success involves starting a successful business of some kind. Who wouldn’t be swayed by the prospect of being their own boss, pursuing their passion, and weighing money instead of counting it? Even the best corporate alternatives fail to even come close to those promises. Even as a CEO of a company, you will have limited control, fixed income, and potentially be fired tomorrow.
Colleges prepare you to be an employee, not an employer. They make you into a mere cog in the machine of capitalism and are less equipt for producing entrepreneurs, as there’s no fixed recipe or formula for starting a successful business. Colleges will also take up
most of your time, money, and energy, leaving little room for entrepreneurial ideation. If you’re thinking of pursuing the risky but potentially – highly-rewarding path of degreeless entrepreneurship, you’ve clicked your way to the right place.
No Pain, No Gain
If you truly believe in the potential of your idea, as any entrepreneur should, be persistent and work till it’s done. Great things don’t come easy in life. Some startups take more time and effort to take off, so never throw in the towel prematurely. Remember, you don’t have a safety net of a college degree, so you are all in on this.
‘’By Failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail’’ – Benjamin Franklin
Getting your own business off the ground is very exciting but try to keep a level head and don’t be impulsive. Like many entrepreneurs, you are likely funneling all your resources into your startup and putting everything on the line for this one shot, so make sure you come up with a sound business plan and carefully analyze all the risks.
We understand that you can’t wait to breathe life into your business idea but don’t be hasty and impatient. Half-baked and under-strategized startups rarely last long in the highly competitive and predatorial world of business.
Ensuring quality work takes research and planning, even if someone else is doing the legwork for you. That’s why you should carefully choose where to buy a research paper before hiring online help. Better safe than sorry.
Go big or go home
Generally speaking, the riskiness of a business is directly proportional to how lucrative it can be. Jargony language aside, riskier startups are the most fruitful if they succeed. It is kind of like buying stocks or betting on sports – a low coefficient of success means a bigger potential prize. Almost fail-safe businesses like a restaurant attract many rivals, and increased competition means less gain per player.
All this is to say that you can choose to either play it safe and join in on a proven, mainstream business or go all-or-nothing and start something new.
If you are afraid of risks, you are not a true entrepreneur. Period. But make sure you are not just repeating someone else’s mistake and try take calculated risks. You should try to see what others have missed and try to succeed where others have failed.
Continue to evolve
Contrary to some people’s belief, running a business doesn’t consist mostly of lying on a yacht with a glass of margarita while subordinates take care of the company. The world of business is fast-changing and highly competitive, where millions can turn into cents overnight. You should constantly stay alert, adapt to changing circumstances and branch out. Professional writers constantly hone their writing skills, as there’s no foreseeable limit to how far you can progress the skill. The same thing goes for businesses.
Bottom line
Every person thinks of starting a business at some point, but most never follow through for fear of failure. You can never achieve success with such a mindset. If you are among the remaining minority who bravely decide to pursue their dreams, we hope our pointers help you along your journey to lifelong success!
Ashley Carter is a professional photographer and an avid traveler. She has recently launched a travel blog where she shares photos and stories of her worldwide adventures. Ashley also does long-distance content writing to help fund her active lifestyle.