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To reach your target audience and survive the competitive landscape, online is the way to go. We are living in a digital era when online visibility is a necessity and not a luxury. To promote your trending products and services online, keep on reading, and learn from some of our recommendations.
1. Provide Discounts
Especially for new businesses trying to win new customers, one of the best things to do is to offer online discount codes. You can post these codes in your social media accounts or websites. You can also send these codes in emails as a part of the welcome offer to new buyers. Make the discount hard to resist to elicit favorable action.
2. Be Consistent
Regardless of the online marketing platforms that you will tap, consistency is crucial. You need to build a personality that will be easy for your target market to recognize. From having a recognizable color palette to the voice of your campaigns, there are many ways to make your marketing more consistent.
3. Become a Thought Leader
Thought leadership marketing is a method of promoting your business by being an expert in the industry that you are part of. By being branded as an expert, this will help build a positive image for you and your business. Write blogs in authority sites to have the exposure that you need. Take advantage of the use of links to promote your website.
4. Share Exceptional Photos
With tons of online content that confront your target audience, the challenge is to stand out for your marketing strategy to be effective. While there are many ways to do this, one of the best is by sharing stunning photos that will immediately captivate attention. Research about what fixates your target market. If needed, hire a pro to take amazing pictures.
5. Use Facebook Ads
Facebook is one of the best social media platforms that you should tap to promote your business online. However, having a Facebook account will not be enough. Use Facebook ads to optimize the success of your marketing campaign. Organic reach is hard because there are over one million Facebook users. Through Facebook ads, you can create more targeted ads.
6. Create Educational Content
To beat the competition and attract the attention of your target audience, make your content educational. By being more informative, it will become more relevant. For instance, rather than just selling a specific product, create entertaining videos that show how the product is made and how it can benefit buyers.
7. Encourage Reviews
If you are looking for cost-effective ways to promote your business online, encourage your buyers to leave a review on your social media accounts or websites like TripAdvisor or Yelp. Word-of-mouth advertising is effective in spreading the word about how good your products and services are. The real-life experiences of your past customers can help you attract new clients.
8. Use Humor
Whether it is in your social media posts or email campaigns, try to include humor. This is not easy, especially for those who are not trained to make marketing copies. Be careful with the use of humor as there are instances when people might find offensive your idea of what is funny. Also, consider who you are targeting before resorting to the use of humor.
9. Prioritize Search Engine Rankings
It is not enough that you build an engaging and informative website. Your competitors can easily take over if you do not have a robust strategy to improve your search engine rankings. One of the best solutions is search engine optimization. Using the right keywords and tags, among others, can help your website to rank higher.
10. Be Responsive
Responsiveness is crucial in building your brand online. For instance, if clients send a Facebook message, try to reply as soon as possible. For most businesses, they use bots to interact with their customers. If there is a negative review posted, try to reach out to the customer as soon as possible and do what it takes to remedy the situation.
If your business is not yet tapping online marketing strategies, you are missing out on a big opportunity! From providing discount codes to having a search engine optimized website, pay attention to our suggestions above to take your business above the competition.
Thank you for sharing this! I completely agree with you. However, Facebook ads can be really pricey :/
Being consistent, my goal for 2020!
Thanks for the tips!