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Busy moms are superheroes! From household chores to office work, they can do everything! You are an amazing mother living an exciting yet overwhelming life. But, even superheroes need a bit of help, right? A bullet journal is a great new weapon you can use to boost your productivity and multi-tasking skills. Make more to-do lists and get more done in a creative way yet fun way. When I started my bujo planner, it helped me relax and get creative with my time…and I do not consider myself a creative person by nature.
Think of it like this: a bujo notebook is a productivity tool that helps people keep their day-to-day life organized in a pretty way and creative way. This is even more useful for busy mothers like you, since your chores and workload are always full. It’s true that it can be difficult to keep things organized.
It’s time to get your own bullet journal notebook! Maintaining a bullet journal can cost more than a traditional planner. You need to buy colored pens, stickers, stamps, ink pads, washi tapes, rulers, stencils and more to create wonderful spreads. It’s worth it, though! Bullet journaling can help you feel relaxed and calm after a long day. Consider it as a creative outlet, and a part of your “me” time!
In fact, before we jump into the six reasons why you should maintain a bullet journal – let me share with you some basic supplies that you can buy.
Before we dive into my favorite hacks, I want to share some of my best bullet journal tools and where to buy an affordable bullet journal.
✅ This journal stencil planner set that you can use not just for your bullet journal, but also for handmade family holiday cards, greeting cards and letters.
✅ This bullet journal notebook that is 24% heavier compared to other journal brands.
✅ This card ink pen set can help you make beautiful letterings and line widths.
✅ These fine tip pens will change the way you approach drawing in your bullet journal. I adore them and I can’t live without them.
✅ These ball pens are loved by many bullet journalist friends because of its great for creating flowy strokes.
✅ This highlighter pen set is a top choice for those who love bullet journaling.
✅ These washable markers are perfect for writing, coloring and drawing.
✅ These washi tapes have wonderful, unique patterns.
✅ These set of pens are designed for every person who loves calligraphy, drawing, and art therapy.
✅ This graphite paper will save you tons of time by capturing each detail in your original design smoothly.
✅ These bullet journal stickers will look beautiful for almost every kind of spread imaginable.
✅ These watercolor brush pens offer good colors for blending and shading bigger areas.
✅ These sticky notes offer are incredible reminders to not forget important items.
I remember when I started, I totally overwhelmed myself and thought bullet journaling was complicated. Really, the only thing you need is your bullet journal and a pen. So please don’t get overwhelmed if you are brand new to bullet journaling. Just keep in mind that markers are super useful for coloring your journal and journal stencils will help save you loads of time in creating incredible layouts.
Now, let’s dive right into why you should maintain that awesome bujo planner!
6 Reasons Why Busy Mothers Should Maintain a Bullet Journal
1. You can make a reading list, and schedule reading time.
Not all moms love to read, but if it’s your thing, you can use your bullet journal to make a list of the books you want to read. There are tons of book recommendations out there that you wouldn’t want to forget! You are so busy–you may easily forget those amazing recommendations. After reading the books, you can also write down your thoughts about it.
2. You can keep all of your calendars in a single space.
Decide what calendars you want to include in your bullet journal. What colors do you want to use? I am sure you already have a personal calendar with appointments, parties and workout schedules. All you need to do is move it in your bullet journal. The next calendars you may want to include are the ones that have your kid’s school activities, and your partners’ business trips and conferences.
3. You can do a “little scrapbook” on your bullet journal pages.
Many working moms are so busy, they barely have time to do scrapbooks. Well, with a bullet journal, you can create a mini scrapbook by sticking little mementos so random spreads and layouts. This gives your pages a unique personal touch.
4. You can organize to-do lists.
Sync your to-do lists with your calendar. If you want, you can have one section for every workload you are managing. I suggest that in one section, you include a self-care plan, a list for your children’s necessities and one of home projects.
The Source
5. You can monitor your professional and personal goals well.
Working mothers are always too busy to take care of themselves. This is the reason why I recommended a self-care plan spread! Me time is important–you deserve it. Don’t just think about your responsibilities. Your bullet journal can help you fix your to-do lists, and at the same time plan for the future. Don’t worry. You will still have time for your kids, partner and other events. Just list down your goals.
What do you want to accomplish in the coming months? Do you want to have a vacation with your family? List that down! You can make time for that soon. From travel goals to furniture pieces you want to own soon, just write it all down. The more organized you are, the sooner you can achieve these goals.
6. Make bullet journal spreads that will motivate and inspire you.
Writing in a bujo planner will not only get things done. It will also help you relax and relieve stress. Write about the things you are grateful for. Looking for inspirational, motivational quotes on Pinterest and Instagram will also help you get through the busiest days.
Take down mantras that can motivate you each time you are feeling down.
Organize your routine in a creative way!
Owning a bujo notebook will help you feel more in control of your daily activities. By writing down on your pages every day, you can free plenty of brain space. This can make a big difference in your routine. Writing all of your tasks allows you to use you remaining brain cells for more productive and creative undertakings. Happy bullet journaling, mommy style!
Additional Bullet Journal Ideas:
11 Bullet Journal Hacks That You Need To Swipe
25 Bullet Journal Key and Index Ideas
11 Bullet Journal Hacks That Actually Work
13 Minimalist Bullet Journal Weekly Spread and Layout Ideas
If you know of any other bullet journal benefits for busy moms please share in the comments.
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I love writing my ideas in a journal, it helps keeping your head organised. Great tips 🙂
Great tips I may need to try bullet journaling this coming calendar year!
Handy tools for busy mothers. Well I keep it for my mother. Thanks for sharing Angela.
I love bullet journals! I am just not as talented Ha!
Some great benefits for busy mums. Another is to use it to plan your outfits each week.