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Starting a blog, but not sure on what to blog about?
Well, in order to start and sustain the success…of what I know will be an amazing blog – you must pick a topic you are passionate about!
Whether you are interested in arts and crafts, parenting, home improvement or other obscure ideas, I can help you with that. Just read on!
After reading this post, you will never run out of brilliant topics again. In fact, I suggest you bookmark this blog post because you can use this as topic ideas for your blog posts.
Are you ready to dive in? Let’s go…
First of all, what is a blog?
A blog or weblog is an online journal managed by people who want to publish their stories and thoughts on their own websites. You are a blogger if you write about your ideas, and you share them with other internet users. Need more information on how to start one? Click here.
Several companies, organizations, and individuals from all walks of life manage blogs in order to share their criticisms, observations, instructions, and analyses. Whether you are a personal blogger or an online business owner, you can benefit from one.
Do you want to improve your blogging skills? There are a lot of techniques and steps you can follow! You may be a beginner now, but with patience and hard work, soon you can be a successful blogger.
How to write an engaging blog post?
1. Understand your audience.
Before writing your first ever blog post, you need to have a clear understanding of your target readers first. What are the things they need to know about? What kind of content would resonate well with them? Create your buyer persona. Consider what you about your buyer personas, as well as their interests.
If you are targeting millennials who want to begin their own business ventures, then maybe, there’s no need for you to provide them with details about getting started on social media platforms. Why? Well, most millennials are tech-savvy, so most likely, they already know a lot about that.
What you can do is, give them information about their strategy. How can they adjust their social media approach? Like how to shift from a personal, casual tone to a more networking-focused, business savvy one?
2. Create your blog domain.
Now, it’s time to look for a place to host your blog. Most people choose to work with a reliable content management system, and a web domain hosting service. Make sure to register a subdomain or domain with a good website host.
Your blog domain can look like this: www.yourblogname.com. The label between the two periods is all up to you, as long as this domain name doesn’t exist yet online. You also don’t need to worry about the costs, since most web hosting services charge very little amounts. In fact, it can be as inexpensive as $3 every month. You can take a look on 28msec for more detailed reviews on the best hosting companies out there.
Below are some of the most popular website hosting services you can choose from:
3. Customize your blog’s theme.
After setting up your blog’s domain, customize the overall look and feel of your blog to reflect the theme of the content you want to create.
If you are writing about the environment and sustainability, green would be an excellent color of choice, since it is often connected with sustainability.
Are you already managing an existing website, and writing your first ever blog post? Then, your blog must be consistent with the content of that existing website, both in subject matter and appearance.
These are two of the first details you need to include right away:
- Logo. This can be your business logo or your company name. Your logo would remind your website visitors what or who is publishing the content.
- About Us Page. Do you already have an “About” blurb? Make sure that it describes your brand perfectly. Think of this one as a mission statement, supporting your business goals.
4. Identify your first blog post’s topic.
Choose a topic for your blog post. This topic can be quite general. Then, do your own research as you move along. It’s okay if you don’t want to include how-to tutorials as your first blog post. You’re going to be fine, as long as you write something interesting and informative.
5. Come up with a good working title.
This is one of the most exciting yet challenging parts of blogging–thinking of a title for your blog article. Working titles are specific, and can guide your writing process. However, they won’t always end up as the final title.
6. Write a captivating introduction.
Put your best foot forward by writing an engaging, compelling introduction. Your goal? To capture the reader’s attention. If you lose the interest of the reader in the first few words and sentences of the intro, then they would stop reading even before you give the most important details.
Share interesting facts and statistics with your audience. You can start with a funny story or a joke to set the tone. Whatever, you do just be sure it is authentic to your personality. Then, describe to your readers the purpose of the post. In what way can this content help them solve their problems?
Your writing should help them improve something in their life or provide them with something they ar looking for. Your intro should make an instant impact!
7. Organize your blog content in an outline.
Blog posts can offer overwhelming details to every reader. How can you avoid this? Organize information so people won’t be intimidated by the amount and length of your content. The organization can take various forms. Creating lists and sections would help a lot.
Making outlines not only help your blog readers, but it can also help your entire work process. You will know immediately what points to cover first.
8. Write your blog post.
Here comes the most exciting part–writing your content. Now that you have your outline, it’s time to fill in the blanks. Your outline will serve as a guide, so you can expand on all of your points as needed.
Write about the details you already know, and if possible, do extra research in order to gather more data. Don’t forget to back up your claims and points. Give proper attribution when including external sources.
Are you having a hard time stringing your sentences together? No need to worry. That is completely normal for those who are starting out. Soon, you will realize the right flow, and improve your writing.
9. Proofread and edit your blog post.
Once you are done with the draft, check the formatting. Proofreading and editing are two of the most important steps in blog writing. Don’t overlook it.
Feel free to ask a co-worker or friend to edit, copy and proofread your post. This is also the time to choose relevant, visually appealing images that will accompany this content. I highly recommend Haute stock for gorgeous blog images. I get so many compliments from my blog posts because of the beautiful images I get from Haute stock. Social networks now treat content with photos more prominently, so it’s crucial to incorporate good images to get more traffic.
10. Insert an effective call-to-action statement at the end.
Another important aspect that you should never overlook is the inclusion of a CTA at the end of the post. This indicates that you want the reader to accomplish something. Encourage them to download your book, register to your webinar, and subscribe to your blog.
Call-to-action buttons and statements are essential for every digital marketing strategy. After reading your content, people must click on the CTA. That way, you can generate a lead.
11. Optimize for on-page SEO.
After finalizing your blog post, you need to go back and optimize your post for search. But, don’t obsess over how many keywords to include. Are there opportunities to include your targeted keywords? If it won’t impact the reader’s experience negatively, do it. Part pf this is marking your URL more keyword-friendly and shorter. Go for it!
12. Pick a catchy title.
Are you having a difficult time writing catchy titles that will capture the attention of your readers? Here are the factors that you should consider.
- Begin with your working title.
- Keep in mind that it’s important to keep the title accurate and clear.
- Make your title sexy, whether it’s through alliteration, strong language, or another literary technique. Exercise your amazing creative writing skills!
- Optimize your content by inserting some naturally.
- If you ended up with a long title, try to shorten it. No visitor would read a long title. Also, Google prefers 65 characters or fewer before it truncates it on its search engine results pages.
Learn how to write catchy headlines! Here are some tips.
How to choose a blog topic?
The blog topic you are going to pick will be the very basis of the content you will produce. At some point, you will feel a lot of pressure, but that’s okay. You’ll get past that discomfort level. As long as you make the right blog topic choices, the learning and adjustment processes would be easier.
What are those things you love learning and writing about? Write them down. Keep in mind that the blog topic you need to choose should…
- You must have a genuine interest in the topic.
- You must have some expertise on the topic, or at least a desire to establish more expertise regarding it in time.
- Your target audience must value that blog topic enough to pay money for products or services related to it.
Below are 111 trendy blog topics you can choose to write about.
- Start-ups
- Marketing
- Photography
- Watercolor Painting
- Hand lettering
- Lifestyle blog
- Event management
- Hypnosis
- Personal development
- Homeschooling
- Success for the busy, professional mother
- Mothers of Teenagers
- Mothers of Young Children
- Parenting and child-rearing
- WordPress Management Tools
- Web Development
- Travel
- Living abroad
- Food, Baking, and Cooking
- Photography
- Fashion
- Arts and Crafts
- Web design
- Self-care, and living with purpose
- Branding
- Public relations
- Venture capitals
- Advice for small- to medium-sized businesses
- Success
- Christianity and other religions
- Education
- Blog Writing
- Politics
- Current Events
- Love and Relationships
- Manifestation
- Spirituality
- Frugal living
- Personal finance
- Financial markets
- Technology
- Horseback riding
- Entrepreneurship
- Online business
- Social media
- Freelancing
- Celebrity and gossips
- Current events
- Writing for aspiring authors
- Golfing
- Gardening
- Urban farming
- Learning the guitar and ukulele
- Eco-tourism
- Money mindset
- Running
- Life coaching
- Having a strong marriage
- Learning a new language
- Self Defense
- Video marketing
- Autism
- Increasing Productivity
- Building Self-confidence
- Productivity Tips
- Vegetarianism
- Gluten-free and dairy-free diet
- Interior design
- Careers
- Digital nomad lifestyle and location independence
- Hair, Skin Care, Makeup and Beauty Matters
- Minimalism and Simple Living
- Family life
- Animals & pets
- Home decor
- Art
- Humor
- Android App Development
- iPhone App Development
- Coding
- Tennis
- Piano
- Cars and Motorcycles
- Caregiving
- Medicine and Healthcare
- Legal Issues
- Alternative therapies
- Social dynamics, Communication and Psychology
- Yoga
- History
- Motivation
- Organic eating
- Dieting
- Chess
- Astronomy
- Natural living and eco-living
- Graphic design
- Surfing
- Public speaking
- Depression
- Fitness and Exercise Routines
- Cycling
- College Planning
- Travel Tips
- Funny Stories
- Partying, Alcohol and Nightlife
- Backpacking
- Birdwatching
- DIY projects
- Virtual assistants (VAs)
More helpful tips!
1. Be specific.
Ask yourself this question: “what do I want to cover about this topic more specifically?” By making it more specific, it becomes possible to differentiate your blog compared to all of the other blogs out there. For instance, it would be hard to believe that an individual is an expert in all kinds of baking. But, if you highlight that you are an expert on baking bread, then that is a more believable claim.
2. Create categories.
Categories exist in order to give good structure to your topic. This means that if you have defined blog categories, your focus should be a lot clearer. If you are producing content about red wine, you need to make blog categories that can tell your readers what red wine aspect you are talking about in every section. Grape processing, wine storage, and major types of red wines are examples of distinct points.
3. Scrap all the cliches.
Cliches can sap your blog post’s originality. Other bloggers use these cliché phrases so much that they lose their real meaning. Some studies even claim that using figures of speech such as “hungry as a horse” can’t activate the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for experiencing emotions. These words are too stale to impact a person.
4. Appeal to the senses.
Brilliant fiction writers make their readers experience the stories they write. They do this by using concrete details that appeal to their target audience’s senses. You can also do this as a blogger! Don’t hesitate to play with words. Similes and metaphors can help people visualize things by comparing concrete pictures with abstract ideas.
It’s true that business and blog writing differ, in one way or another from creative writing, but you can still harness the power of sensory language in your posts. If your target readers can hear, smell, touch, see or taste your ideas, then they can be hooked on your content as well.
5. Don’t forget to take breaks.
If you think you’re already working long enough, take a break first. Forgetting about your work even just for a few hours can help you develop more ideas for the editing stage. Trust me, I do this all the time. I take breaks all day long.
Once you get back to it, you can discover overlooked errors, as well as new creative opportunities. Before you submit the final draft, walk away from your work for a while. Then, after quite some time, as you make your final round of edits, you can correct some mistakes, and find better ways to polish your copy.
6. Be yourself.
What’s great about the blogging industry is that your own unique personality and unique audience give you an additional spin on your blog topic. This means that ten blogs of the same topics will appear like drastically different blogs even though they cover the same exact material.
Get access to “More Blogging Tips for Newbie Bloggers” by joining our Free Resource Library, just click below!
Begin blogging, and keep your blog updated!
Remember, for each blog post that you publish, there is one that hasn’t been updated for many months. If you want to attract more readership moving forward, then you need to regularly update all of your blog posts.
Most blogs update their content once a week, while others update several times a day. Don’t let your blog get stale! Write and post on a regular basis. Here are some of its amazing benefits. Have fun blogging!
Never having heard of TRENDY TOPIC IDEAS ON WHAT TO BLOG ABOUT and clear instructions are enticing me to read it. Thank you. I’m grateful to have discovered your article . good job.keep it up.
Wow !! That’s definitetly interesting, this is like a must-read article for every blogger.
Keep up the good work.
Lots of information! Thanks for all the great ideas. Taking breaks is hard for me but I’ll try to improve on that
This is a great article with great suggestions! Very helpful!
Wow, lots of awesome tips. From your 111 blog ideas list, I can easily identify many things to write for my audience. Love also all those great tips you gave for writing an engaging blog post. Will be sharing and saving this post.
Yes I use the 111 blog ideas list alot when I have brain freeze going on 😉 Angela
Thank you for this! I hate when I have no clue what to write about it. I will keep these ideas in mind for sure.
This was super helpful. Thank you!
These are great pieces of advice. Once you have a niche it’s easy to find subjects to write about inside your area of expertise.
This is good for someone who is starting out. My blog is about my passions so it was easy to create
I just started a new blog and would love your feedback. I am trying to get used to writing more content and love the list of ideas — it will go a long way if I get stuck!
Thanks for that, there are times when I freeze and just don’t know what to write!! This will help big time!
Wow you sure covered a lot of ground here. I love your list of ideas. The DIY is always a good one. I love a good DIY.
My 11 year old has started a blog on golf and he is enjoying the creative outlet. Great list!
This blog post was so detailed and so helpful. I needed this in my life! Thanks.
What an amazing list of overall topics to choose from as a blogger. It is really good to help bloggers who are looking to start blogging or looking for a new niche.
Such a useful post. Sometimes I had a problem with motivation or being consistent so I need some topic ideas for my blog from time to time
Loved this post and I love your list of topics too!
I love having a blog, but it is still extremely confusing to me to understand and run at times.
I would love to start another blog on myths, legends and all things ‘witchy’. But I just wouldn’t have the time with my current blog on the go.
Maybe someday.
Wow. Such a lovely post. An amazing list of topics that can be very helpful for a new blogger.
I started my blog 10 years ago and I sometimes still refer back to the basics to keep me on track. Everything you said is spot on!
What an informative post. This would be a great resource for anyone thinking of setting up a blog.